Development, research
and production

Synthesisof active pharmaceutical ingredients

We arrange the synthesis of active pharmaceutical ingredients and their production


Pharmaceutical substance is a medicinal product in the form of one or more active substances with pharmacological activity, regardless of the nature of origin, which is intended for the production, manufacture of medicinal products and determines their effectiveness (GF XV, GPM.1.1.0006).

The requirements for the quality of active pharmaceutical ingredients are regulated by the Order of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation of 14.06.2013 No. 916 "On Approval of the Rules for the Organization of Production and Quality Control of Pharmaceutical Products ", Part IV "Basic Requirements for Pharmaceutical Substances" used as starting material.

Developmentand registration of active pharmaceutical ingredients

Introduction of active pharmaceutical ingredients in the state register of pharmaceutical products


In the production of pharmaceutical products, only active pharmaceutical ingredients included in the state register of pharmaceutical products are used (Part 4, Article 45 of the Federal Law of the Russian Federation of 12 April 2010 No. 61-Federal Act "On the circulation of pharmaceutical products").

The State Register of pharmaceutical products contains a list of pharmaceutical drugs that have passed state registration and a list of active pharmaceutical ingredients included in the composition of pharmaceutical drugs, as well as additional information about both pharmaceutical drugs and active pharmaceutical ingredients included in the register.

Active pharmaceuticalingredients of Russian origin

Active pharmaceutical ingredients of Russian origin


In accordance with Art. 54. of Federal Law of the Russian Federation of April 12, 2010 No. 61-Federal Act "On the circulation of pharmaceutical products" wholesale trade in pharmaceutical products is carried out by manufacturers of pharmaceutical products and organizations of wholesale trade in pharmaceutical products under the rules of proper distribution practice and the rules of good distribution practice.

Innovative idea is a real opportunity to make an original product, or its improved version. Here are just a few questions that need to be answered affirmatively to realize the idea: the novelty of the project, the demand for the product, technological reproducibility, the source of financing, competence. We generate ideas, conduct their expert evaluation together with our partners and implement them.

Development and registrationof innovative pharmaceutical products

We invite to cooperate


Pharmaceutical drugs are pharmaceutical products in the form of medicinal forms used for the prevention, diagnosis, treatment of the disease, rehabilitation, for the preservation, prevention or termination of pregnancy (Article 4 of the Federal Law of the Russian Federation of 12 April 2010 No. 61-Federal Act "On the circulation of pharmaceutical products ")